LinkedIn Tips: How to Find High End Coaching Clients on LinkedIn

by Amanda Abella  - June 24, 2022



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In this LinkedIn Tips video, I’m going to be sharing how to find high end coaching clients using LinkedIn. This is a sneak preview of what we teach our coaching clients in our Effortless Revenue Mastermind.

Did you know LinkedIn is a goldmine for finding high end  coaching clients?

I’ve used LinkedIn to find high end clients that pay anywhere from $2,000 to $25,ooo PER client! The bad news is I was sleeping on LinkedIn for years. The good news is I had my LinkedIn profile set up in a way where it was so optimized it was growing by itself for years without me touching it. So today I’m going to share some LinkedIn Tips on how I did that.

Top LinkedIn Tips: Have a good profile.

My team and I are on LinkedIn every day and we see people making a lot of mistakes as it pertains to their profiles. Like, A LOT of mistakes. The reason we need to fix this is because – similar to Google – LinkedIn is a search engine so we need to have it properly optimized. Also, people may be trying to contact you but because your profile isn’t optimized so they they can’t figure out how.

Top LinkedIn Tips: Use a lot of space.

Use everything. Use all the space available. From the header to the banner you want to use every opportunity to show your expertise. You’ll notice I use the banner to show off past work and use up all the text space available.

Top LinkedIn Tips: Optimize Your Profile

LinkedIn is a search engine so treat it as such! What are the specific keywords related to your business that people would be searching for. For example, at the time of making this video, I used Latina Brand Ambassador because I knew corporations were looking for that. Now it says “high ticket sales coach” because my company teaches coaches how to sell. Moving forward this article will detail all the different ways to optimize your profile.

Use the contact info.

For the love of all things good and holy, please put your contact info on your LinkedIn profile! It astounds me how many people don’t put their contact info on their profiles. If clients are trying to reach out to you, how are they going to if they can’t find the info?

 Use the About Section.

Again, the about section has a lot of keywords. I use this to establish authority and set myself apart. I also go a bit into my story as a Latina blogger. I also highlight some of my work and media mentions to establish that I’m a professional who has been at this for a while. This will help your clients find you and get the information that they need.

Use different forms of media.

I use the videos section to show client testimonial videos and media videos – like that time I did a segment with Univision.

Be consistently active.

We are constantly putting content out on LinkedIn. As of 2022, it’s a lot of video content mixed in with some written posts.

 Use the space in your work history.

LinkedIn is different than a regular resume in so far as we’re taught to keep our work history short. LinkedIn is the opposite because, again, it’s a search engine so you want to make sure you use the space. Also make sure to include links to examples of your work.

Final LinkedIn Tips: Go the extra mile (because most people won’t).

Most people gloss over the details on their LinkedIn profiles and miss a golden opportunity! Use these LinkedIn tips to help you optimize your profile so potential clients can find you.





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